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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'Scorpion King: Book Of Souls' gave the following results:

20 matches in composers
  1. Rob King
  2. E. King
  3. Eva King
  4. King D.
  5. Roger King
  6. Peter King
  7. King Kanobby
  8. King Britt
  9. Kaki King
  10. Alastair King
  11. John King
  12. King Palmer
  13. Harry King
  14. Carole King
  15. Pete King
  16. Denis King
  17. Brian King
  18. George King
  19. Andrew Allen King
  20. David Archbold King

6582 matches in tracks
  1. Book of Souls (00:50)
    from Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
  2. Book of Souls (00:50)
    from Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
  3. Book of Souls (00:50)
    from Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
  4. The Scorpion King (03:27)
    from Scorpion King, The
  5. The Scorpion King (03:25)
    from Scorpion King, The
  6. The Scorpion King (03:27)
    from Scorpion King, The
  7. The Scorpion King (03:27)
    from Scorpion King, The
  8. The Legend Of The Scorpion King (04:55)
    from Mummy Returns, The
  9. The Legend Of The Scorpion King (04:55)
    from Mummy Returns, The
  10. The Legend Of The Scorpion King (04:55)
    from Mummy Returns, The
  11. The Legend of the Scorpion King (04:55)
    from Mummy Returns, The
  12. Scorpion Finds E-Z/Breathtaker's Paln/Rescued By Scorpion (04:23)
    from Black Scorpion
  13. Book of Love (05:01)
    from Book Of Love
    Performed by Ben E. King and Bo Diddley featuring Doug Lazy
  14. Soulcalibur: The Resonance Of Souls And Swords / Decisive Souls (05:28)
    from Night In Fantasia 2009, A
    Junichi Nakatsuru & Keiki Kobayashi
  15. Black Scorpion: The Movie - Main Title / Adult Darcy (04:09)
    from Black Scorpion
    Black Scorpion: The Movie (tracks 18 - 26)
  16. Black Scorpion: The Movie - Main Title / Adult Darcy (04:09)
    from Black Scorpion
    Black Scorpion: The Movie (tracks 18 - 26)
  17. Book of Blood/Finale (03:00)
    from Untamed Aggression Productions
    from H.P. Lovecraft's The Book
  18. Book of Blood/Finale (03:00)
    from Throne, The
    from H.P. Lovecraft's The Book
  19. Book of Blood/Finale (03:00)
    from Book, The
    from H.P. Lovecraft's The Book
  20. Book of Blood/Finale (03:00)
    from I Am Legend: Done In 60 Seconds
    from H.P. Lovecraft's The Book
Show all 6582 matching tracks